???option.TituloSitioWeb.gradoDoble??? Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Bachelor’s degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering

Bachelor’s thesis

In the Double Bachelor's degree: Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Bachelor's degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering , the bachelors theses have 15+15 ECTS.

This work allows students to show their acquired knowledge and competences associated with both bachelor degrees in an integrated way.


Regulation on Bachelor’s Thesis


A proposal of the bachelor’s thesis may be carried out in the following ways:

  • A student’s proposal.
  • A department’s proposal.
  • Proposals carried out within the framework of the convention of cooperation between university and enterprise.
  • Projects carried out within the framework of the mobility offered at UdL.

A proposal must be approved by the director (or the co-director) and the coordinator of the double degree.


The enrolment allows a student to apply to reading his/her bachelor’s thesis in a call during the academic year.

Enrolment may be processed during two periods along the academic year:

  • At the beginning of the first quarter.
  • At the beginning of the second quarter.

You can consult on particular enrolment dates at this link.

Assessment of the bachelor’s thesis

The bachelor’s thesis will be assessed following continuous assessment methodology. Corresponding marks of different items will be collected by the director through Continuous Assessment Portfolio of the BT, available at this link.

The final mark will be based on the marks of the following four items:

  • Initial report (10%) which shows assimilation of the aims and context of the BT to carry out. It is assessed by the director.
  • Follow-up report (10%) which presents evolution of the BT and decisions made. It is assessed by the director.
  • Final document of the BT (50%). It is assessed by the director.
  • Presentation and defense of the BT in front of an examination committee (30%). The student will present his/her project and defend it publically answering committee’s questions.


It is composed of three members of whom at least one member must belong to a teaching staff at the Higher Polytechnic School, and at least two of them must be university teachers or researchers. The director or one of the co-directors will take part in the committee.

The degree coordinator will appoint the members of the committee. This appointment will be proposed by the director who personally fills out proposal document.

Delivery and defense of the BT

The Bachelor’s thesis must be delivered at least 5 working days prior to the presentation date following the instructions given in in this link.

The procedure to deliver the BT is detailed at this link.

The defense of the BT can be carried out between 1st October and 15th September during the academic year in which the work was registered.